Welcome to Regnant Properties & Construction

Regnant Foundation

Our mission is to provide support, empowerment, and resources to those who are among the most vulnerable in our society. We believe that every individual, regardless of their circumstances, deserves the opportunity to lead a life of dignity and hope. Through our various initiatives, we aim to alleviate the challenges faced by widows, orphans, and nursing mothers, helping them rebuild their lives and secure a brighter future.

Our key focus areas include:

Empowering Widows: We offer skills training, financial literacy programs, and emotional support to widows, enabling them to regain independence and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

Supporting Orphans: We provide educational resources, mentorship programs, and essential needs to orphaned children, fostering an environment where they can thrive academically, emotionally, and socially.

Nurturing Nursing Mothers: We offer healthcare services, nutritional support, and financial support to nursing mothers, ensuring the well-being of both mother and child during this crucial period.


We are experienced in Building any design of construction works.

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